the spice of the Caribbean

Spring 2007
                                                                                                                            Valentine's Day at the Little Dipper.
February 12 - February 18, 2007

February 14, 2007: Happy Valentine's Day!
For Valentine's Day, we went to a fun West Indian restaurant called "The Little Dipper."  The Dipper is a tiny restaurant (we counted seven tables) on a cliff overlooking a beautiful bay in Woburn.  We had great food at a great price, with fantastic company!

Eran, Peter, Heather, and Noga


Fried Breadfruit




The SOSs take on the Calabash this week.  The Calabash is a resort in Lanse Aux Epines, right down the road from our house.  They have a lovely location, on a very calm bay.  They also had a greeter that day:

Josh.  Incredulous as always at his companion's lack of sophistication.

On Friday, we went to a student organization party to meet up with some friends that we hadn't seen for a while.  They arrived just as we thought it was time to turn in!  (Sometimes we feel old here!!)

Muffy and Heather.

Peter sandwiched between two Alexes.

Frisco, Ginger, Greedy, and Ancho.
The guard dogs are becoming more and more friendly!

We found a wee frog out front upon our return.  The photos are of the same creature, but we couldn't get the photo right with such a close up, so I included both pictures..  It was probably only about an inch long.

We celebrated a second Valentine's Day on Saturday evening with the Significant Others Organization.

Melissa & Dustin, Christina & Jonathan, Anna & Greg, Britney & Ali, Heather & Peter.

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Feb. 19 - Feb. 25, 2007
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