the spice of the Caribbean

Spring 2007
                                                                                                                            Grenada's Independence Day is February 7.
February 5 - February 11, 2007
Part 1

On February 6, Heather and Josh headed to a plant nursery up on the tippy top of an enormous ridge.  With lots of help from Josh, we found "Kool Gardens" in Morne Jaloux, as Heather needed some receptacles to pot a few plants she bought by the side of the road.  (They come "potted" in black plastic bags.)   Turns out, affordable pots are very hard to come by, and trays to put under the pots are nearly nonexistent in Grenada, probably because any potted plants tend to set out on porches.  Most folks here seem to have plastic plants indoors.  I found one pot and one tray at Kool Gardens...and a few more plants I couldn't resist bringing home!

As I was fussing around with my plants and pots, Josh disappeared to find his own treasures.  He directed me to find him right next door, at the destroyed TV station.  I found the remnants of a destroyed home, looking way down to the ocean, but it didn't look anything like an old TV station.

A few phone calls later, I found it...the other direction...down the road...on the other side of the street.  Josh has become Grenadian in his direction giving.  Nevertheless, it was quite a find!

Poor Josh, he can't control himself (the camera speaks to him...and he obeys.  Always.)

Inside the former studio.  Another hurricane Ivan victim, strangely beautiful in its tragic ruin.

Our trip was punctuated by a number of stops and slow downs on account of school children parading around the roads in their best independence-day regalia.  It was the most precious sight!  The kids were decked out in red, yellow, and green (rather than their usual school uniforms,) and you could just feel their contageous excitement.  Unfortunately, I was driving and couldn't catch a photo.  The whole city was electric with excitement!  Everyone was out in their yellow, red, and green finest.  Cars and residences were all decked out, too!

A shot of the decorative flags...and traffic...downtown.

Downtown St. George's, the rooftop to the left is the spice market.  The tarps and umbrellas at the bottom of the hill cover the produce market stands.  Two enormous cruise ships loom in the background.
Downtown, I happily found a variety of pots to plant my new charges.

Part 2

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Feb. 5 - Feb. 11, 2007 Part 2
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