the spice of the Caribbean
                                                    Fishies at La Luna.
The Eleventh Week
Oct. 23 - Oct 29, 2006

Monday morning, DES had an office pet for a brief time! 
Meet Karl the Curious Crab: pic

On Monday afternoon, Heather hosted the first meeting of first term SOs interested in getting to know one another, in learning new stuff, and in honing our professional - and social - skills!  It's a great chance to learn in a fun setting.  A small group met at our house, and Heather was the first to give an informal "presentation" to the group!  Not surprisingly, the presentation was a very brief introduction to birds; particularly the birds of Grenada (which I am still in the process of learning.)  Nevertheless, the audience was very respectful and curious about the creatures around us.  There are now three more people in the country who can identify a cattle egret and a magnificent frigatebird!  Heather continues the tireless process of infusing birds into the lives of others ... one ... at ... a ... time!

Tuesday was Heather's first faculty luncheon potluck at work!  It was a phantasmagora of amazing food.  The theme was your "favorite food" and we got to sample an impressive variety of tasty treats from handmade sushi to salads to curries and cake!  Heather contributed a mexican chocolate torte ... mmmm!


On Tuesday evening, the Indian Cultural Student Organization (ICSA) held an evening in of celebration of the conclusion of Ramadan, Islam's holy month.  There was food, music, and lots of dancing!  It was a colorful and joyful space!
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Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006 was Grenada's Thanksgiving - which is part independence day, part Thanksgiving.  Heather and Peter both had the day off, so we spent a couple of hours together ... doing guess what?  Snorkeling!  This time we launched ourselves off the beach from the amazing La Luna resort.  Despite a murky start, the snorkeling was really wonderful once we got more than twenty yards out.  In addition to the fish and corals, Heather got her best view so far of a magnificent frigatebird as it wheeled around us above the water. 

(image from the internet)

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A beautiful large blue tang.

A good sized puffer.

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Happy Birthday Britney!
The gorgeous birthday girl, Britney (on the left), lowers herself to lounging at the True Blue Bay Resort with us schleppers after dining among Victoria's Secret models at our snorkeling locale, La Luna. 

Britney's "Heathermark."

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