the spice of the Caribbean
                                                                                                                 The Coyaba's main lobby, all dressed up for the holidays.
The Fifteenth Week
Nov. 20 - Nov. 26, 2006

Happy Birthday Heather Fine!  On Monday, it was back to Carib Sushi for what has become something of a birthday tradition.  Peter and Heather J., however, broke free of the sushi expectations and savored a pizza from the Boulangerie next door.  Mmmmm!
Birthday Girl!  pic

This week saw DES worker bees scarfing down fabulous foods at another faculty luncheon.  Once again, the variety of dishes and pleasure to the palate was astounding!  This particular luncheon was also a farewell to our coworker Dana, who has spent much of the last semester maintaining the organization in the Demonstrator's office and passing her knowledge to those of us who will step into her shoes.  Dana shied away from the camera, so I will refrain from posting photos of her last DES gig on the website!

DES food fest, and Dana's Heathermark.

This week, our "SO" group (which has now been renamed the "SOS" group for reasons I cannot begin to delve into!) met at the Coyaba, a resort on Grand Anse beach.  The Coyaba was bright and beautiful and very festive with holiday decorations!

This week, Britney taught us about "green" design and the LEEDs system of project certification.  We learned how design dramatically affects our world by determining how much energy we consume and what type and quantity of waste we produce.  Britney also gave us an introduction to how design can affect our health, happiness, and productivity.  So much for wasting our brains in the Caribbean!  I appreciate more each day the gift of true sharing which I often see as the process of opening up and offering oneself to those special people who surround us.

Poolside refreshments, anyone?


Green Design 101.

We celebrated United States Thanksgiving by eating out at a Chinese restaurant just down the street from us called Choo Light.  The food was sumptuous and very reasonably priced.  It was a blustery evening, and very different from our traditional Thanksgiving day, but it ended up being a really great time...together!


P.S.  We enjoyed a feast of turkey sandwiches with cranberries and mashed potatoes and apple crisp on Sunday evening (when the supermarket restocked their supply of turkey!)

On Sunday, we finally made it back into the water for another snorkel expedition.  This time, we went to the Morne Rouge, or BBC, beach which is the next cove over from Grand Anse.  Much of the area seemed inundated with Algal plant growth, as seen below.  In the very middle of the small bay, we swam through the largest school of fish we have encountered thus far: thousands of small silver fishies (maybe four or five inches long and all swimming in unison.)  Ultimately, we ended up back near the rock outcropping at La Luna.  We did quite a bit more swimming than exploring in order to move beyond the monoculture of seaweed, but we enjoyed the exercise and encountered some great creatures, as usual!


For anyone who might remember the Old Reverend Wilcox who lived in our aquarium:

We came across a truly elegant and gorgeous fish, as seen below.  The photo doesn't quite do the fish justice, as its pelvic fins are iridescent cobalt blue.  You can get a sense of the fantastic colors in the unfocused image to the right.




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