the spice of the Caribbean

                                                                          Campus bus stop at twilight.

The Third Week
Aug. 28 - Sept. 3, 2006

This is a photo of our house!  Christine Antoine, the owner, lives upstairs, and we are in the apartment below.

The third week was a very busy one for both Heather and Peter.  Peter did his typical, all day every day study thing, and Heather had a full time job for the week (in addition to her most important job: keeping Peter clean and fed!)  Heather worked with Dr. Jacqueline Stanley, a microbiology professor, to register students for a "selective" (i.e. elective) that she puts together each semester called Complementary and Integrative Medicine.  This is an all-day seminar with workshops which changes each semester, and students must take the one-day class for three semesters in order to get credit for the course.  For Fall 2006, lectures addressed: the range of complementary medicine, Ayurveda, Magnets for pain treatment, and Shamanism.  Workshop options included: Acupressure, Ayurveda, Instant Meditation, Reflexology, Rune Yoga, Shamanism, and Thai Massage.  The Complementary Medicine selective teaches future allopathic doctors about the alternative treatments that their patients are engaging in, how these treatments complement (or can interfere with) allopathic medical care, and how doctors can better serve their patients by recommending alternative treatments when appropriate.  It was great to feel needed for the week working on an important issue that I support, but it made for a demanding schedule!

Bell Tower, the lecture hall where Peter spends each afternoon.

On Friday morning, Peter and Heather took the first bus to campus together.  We met a fellow student on campus and walked over to the black sand beach to go for an early morning snorkel adventure.  It was a wonderful way to start the day!  We snorkeled for about an hour, then went to the student center for showers and then to class and work respectively.  We love that such a great experience awaits us at our doorstep ... and that we can both enjoy our surroundings and get in a full day of accomplishments, too!

Among many other creatures, we saw two enormous puffer fish, the largest was about two feet long, and our friend Sam saw an octopus!

Peter and Heather both attended the all day Complementary Medicine selective on Saturday, September 2.  Dr. Stanley organized a dinner that evening for the speakers participating in the selective, and she invited the University president to attend.  Since he was unavailable, Heather was invited to attend the dinner!  (Second in line to the President after only three weeks - not bad!  Hee-hee!)  It was held at the University Club, which is in Lance Aux Epines, our neighborhood.  The University Club is a restaurant and inn on the water.  It is owned by the University and only faculty and invited guests may stay or dine at the facility.  Poor Peter was unable to attend ... but Heather nevertheless went along and enjoyed a wonderful evening socializing with the speakers and three University doctors.  The food and company were both a terrific treat!  After the dinner, Heather joined Peter at the truly amazing Spice Island Resort on Grand Anse beach for a glass of wine with a few other students and a stroll on the beach.  Sorry, but we were so busy enjoying ourselves that we forgot to take pictures - you'll have to use your imagination for this one!

The Fourth Week
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