Transition Week:
January 5, 2007 through January 13, 2007
Peter left Colorado January 5, 2007...heading back to Grenada in time for classes to begin.

Heather's week: (part1 of 2)

Most of my week was spent buried under papers in my office, but I did find time to make some great connections, too.

Tom was away on business most of the week, so Heather and Brenda were able to spend some rewarding quality time together...and Brenda got some much needed rest.

I visited with Alex, Andrea, and Mia as much as possible!

I spoiled Gatsby as much as I could!  Here he is with a present from the House Rabbit Society: a thin wooden box full of alfalfa and yummy treats.

I was delighted to spend a great night with Cindy, Rod, Aurora, and Lisa in Longmont.  The Rangels presented a wedding present to me, which I opened on behalf of both Peter and I.  It is an embroidered scroll from China brimming with birds and beautiful beyond words.  Thank you so much for finding time to catch up and for offering us such a thoughtful gift!

I (Heather) spent most of my time ensuring that all of my old cases had the proper transfer or closure documentation, and closing what was left of the files in my office.  I barely had time to meet up with a few friends and start work on taxes when it was time to pack up and leave!

The Denver County Courthouse, with snow in foreground and the capital building in the background.  It was great to visit the courthouse and catch sight of some of my (former) peers, flying around from one place to another...trying to keep up with papers, clients, and legislative appropriations.  It was hard to be envious!

Some Denver D&N attorneys have been of extraordinary help to me...both past and present.  I want to point out one such person, who has been a long term supporter: answering my questions and offering his opinion in person and on-line for years.  In the past six months, he has orchestrated the final transfer and follow up on dozens of my old cases. 

(cue the singing angels)

(Image blatently STOLEN from Phil's website!)
Philip Robert James, Esq.  I don't usually identify people with their full names on this website, but I felt it necessary to give my thanks...which Phil has thus far refused to accept in any other form!  (You asked for it!)  Seriously, Phil has put a great deal of time and effort into some old cases languishing for final paperwork to be completed - on top of his already tremendous workload.

I am also hugely indebted to Deborah McCoy, Esq., who (among other things) took over one of my cases heading to an appeal upon my departure.  As far as I can tell from the Caribbean, that case is still pending in the Colorado Court of Appeals.  Ms. McCoy undertook this venture under less than ideal circumstances, with proper transfer documentation (still??) held up in the Courts!  Thank you!!

(I couldn't find an image to steal here, and my cartoon caricature might  have been
misconstrued, so I thought it best to go without...unless she is inclined to send one....)

It's hard to thank some folks and not others.  Cindy, Lisa, and Brad, thank you for your guidance and friendship.  Carl: where's my mohito??

Peter reports that he spent his week fixing our automobile and studying.  He also took time out to go snorkling:

The water was said to be rather tumultuous that day!


A gorgeous box fish.

Greg and Anna.

Anna, Greg, Ali, and Britney.

Anna and Greg

I left Colorado the morning of Friday, January 12, 2007.  I had to head back about fourteen hours early in order to catch my flight to Grenada, which was bumped forward about three hours.  My parents made a surprise visit to pick me up at JFK and spend the evening least, until 4 am when we had to head back to the airport.  We had a few adventures finding our way around, but we ended up having a great meal together.  It was a fabulous surprise to spend a little more time together before heading back to Grenada...this time for six months.  I only regret not taking any photos!  The time is ours to remember.  THANK YOU MOM AND DAD!

In addition to bumping my flight forward, Air Jamaica also saw fit to reroute us through Barbados.  Their airport is surprisingly reminiscent of Denver International Airport:

Hello Grenada!

St. George's, as seen from above, with a cruise ship in port.  It constantly amazes me how large those ships are!  We must be close to the airport...!

Together again!

Peter was a perfect peach, picking me up at the airport, whisking me away to a clean house, and even preparing a home-cooked meal!  After dinner, we relaxed at Spice Island.  The tropical breezes were joyous, but even they paled in comparison to the feeling of being together again.