the spice of the Caribbean

Spring 2007
                                                                                                                 Drag Races!
May14 - May 20, 2007

For the most part, this week was fairly uneventful.  By Sunday afternoon on the 13th, I knew I had contracted an ear infection....
So, I spent much of the week with health care providers and trying to do as little as possible.  Peter kept up with classes and took good care of me!  I completely gave up on the University's health clinic, and took up a physician friend and co-worker's offer to see me at her home.  She has, in her home, provided some of the most considered, patient, and complete care and recommendations I have experienced.  If only the average doctor were willing to spend hours with a patient complaining of a simple abscessed ear infection!

On Friday, we scheduled an SOS adventure.  This time, some of the SOSs SOs were able to come along!  Christina, her friend from the States Anna, and Peter came to see what one of our island explorations is all about.  I was quite exhausted, but did my best to keep up!  Anna, before she left the island for the summer, had mentioned to Britney that there was a beach full of large shells between the campus and the Point Salines International Airport, just next to campus.  So, we decided to check it out Josh helpfully noted that some people might find the smell a bit objectionable.  I figured, well, after all my collecting as a child, I knew that sea shells could stink so I felt reasonably prepared.

It wasn't just the shells. 
The area in question is a small strip of shoreland buffering one of the veterinary school's large animal farms from the sea itself.  It is used by local fishermen, and it even has some facilities: a line of padlocked storage cells.

The orange stickers on each door proclaim "Passed."

The "beach" has been obliterated by the fishermen's discarded conch ("lambie") shells, some construction dumpage, and a decent smattering of all purpose garbage.  

Between the shells, fish bits, garbage, and the farm directly adjacent...the stench was indescribable.  Oh, in case there's any was indescribably BAD.

Jonathan and Heather are wilting, Josh is adjusting the smell sensor on his camera, and Britney is too busy collecting treasures to notice.

Ok, so we didn't last too long there, but I did find one nice shell, and Peter made a friend:

Just down the shoreline from the stink was a rather nice peninsula with a great view of the University...and a welcome breath of fresh air.




We then changed gears and headed out to the end of Point Salines to check out La Source.  La Source is, or was, a large resort at the end of Point Salines.  Unfortunately, it sustained massive damage in Hurricane Ivan, and construction is still underway.  We went to see how far they had come.

Wildflowers outside the resort.

The grounds have a great deal of potential. 
The gazebos were overrun with weathered furniture, waiting patiently for their day to come.

"This one's too hard...."  Jonathan tries to get comfy.

Well, it wasn't too long before our presence was noticed, and a security guard wanted to know why we were meandering all over the property.  Josh came to the rescue, as he had forged ahead, worked his magic, and found a big wig who said we were welcome to stumble around the construction site.

Waiting for Joshua to save us from the security guard.



A swimming pool (well, someday.)

Workin' away!


Some things never change: Peter still loves the big trucks!

Britney collects materials for her latest creative project.

A special treat: this section is written by guest contributor Peter!

Saturday evening, Josh and I (Peter) drove up north to the old airstrip, the former Pearls Airport, to check out the Grenada...GRENADA...GRENADA Drag Races...DRAG RACES...DRAG RACES!  I was anticipating a truly Grenada-Fantastic time involving men driving old farm tractors vs. Suzuki Escudos.  However, much to my surprise, there were some serious machines there!  Josh got us a pit crew pass by sweet-talking the driver of the red car below, and we were able to go wherever we wanted to take pictures, socialize and enjoy the atmosphere!  A few of the race cars were impressive: the red Supra below sported 831 horsepower at the wheels!  That's probably eight-times that car's stock output.  Hew-wee!  Another highlight were the children who took very keen interest in the white boys with cameras.  We were definitely a novelty for them, and we really enjoyed hanging out with them too!

831 Horsepower!!

Josh sweet talks his way into two pit passes to get a closer look!

Kids in a candy shop!

It's not an event in Grenada without some LOUD NOISES!

This was also a favorite.  Unlikely as it may be, this pickup truck was one of the fastest vehicles to race.

Peter was, naturally, drawn to his childhood love: a go cart.

Josh was drawn to his inner child.

I spent the weekend taking it easy: sewing and cooking!

In the process of making a new dress and brewing up some marinara sauce.  Maybe I shouldn't be doing these things in the same proximity!

On Sunday, Peter had a haircut with a front-row seat of a fire across Lance Aux Epines Road.  Some people have been clearing a swath of land next to the street, and the fire was part of the land clearing.  The time was not ideal for a fire, as it has been incredibly dry for months.  Emergency vehicles were in rapid response!

Well, they arrived quickly enough, but it took a while to get any water pumping.

Babies!  We have come across a few wee baby lizards - the gecko variety that come out at night. 

This tiny fellow is just big enough to curl around a finger.  For scale, the grout line just above the red concrete is less than a half inch wide.

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May 21 - May 27, 2007
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