the spice of the Caribbean

Spring 2007
                                                                                                                 Peter celebrates his successful completion of Term 2!
May7 - May 13, 2007

This week, we had to renew our vehicle registration.  I thought I'd take you through the process, so you can see that bureaucracy is everywhere, though it can take on many different forms!
First, you have to get your vehicle inspected.  Vehicles are assigned an inspection and registration time based on the license plate numbers, which stay with the automobile and not the owner - as in the States.  I went in hoping that Crapzilla would be approved to continue bounding and sqeaking along the streets.  I even spruced it up a bit, as appearance is everything.

As I slowly rolled along in the que of cars outside the inspection location, I passed one vehicle that must have expired as it waited its turn:

When it came to be my turn, an officer checked that my blinkers blinked, headlights and brake lights shone, wipers wiped, and the tires were treaded.  Finally, he looked under the hood.  I was advised to get a proper bracket to hold down the car battery (apparently wire isn't good enough,) and that there's an oil leak in the engine...but he'd let me pass anyway.  We made it!  The first officer handed me the following document:
Which I then took inside so that another officer could plug the scribbled information onto a printed, carbon copied form:

Finally, I had to take my copy of the printed, stamped form back outside to the fellow who inspected my car so that he could sign it.  Done!  Now, I could go downtown, offer my paperwork, pay for the registration, and get the required sticker!  It turns out there was a delay in actually acquiring the sticker, so we were without Crapzilla for a few days...which forced us to appreciate our contraption a bit more!

Peter and I opened up the cocoa pod I brought him over the weekend so he could experience the subtle smell and taste and gooey mess inside...mmm!

Peter soaked in the new experience, and then we moved on to a new experiment: ice box cake made out of oreo cookies (as chocolate wafers are unattainable here.)  A bit sugary - even for me, but Peter will eat oreos in just about any form - cookie, cake, or ice cream, or all three at once!

Doling out the goodies.

On Thursday, we CELEBRATED Peter's successful completion of another term!  Peter excelled in term 2, which was a tremendous challenge in and of itself...not to mention all of the work he put into student government and his dissection selective.  Way to go!

Dinner at the Coyaba.

Friday evening, we celebrated Peter's completion of the BSCE, an exam testing him on all of the material he has learned since last August.  Whew!  We enjoyed Pizza at Prickley Bay Marina with friends, including first termers, who just finished their last final. 


After pizza, some folks came over to our place to chat.  Then Peter, Josh, and I headed out to an end-of-term party.  It was great to see lots of people, many of whom were just showing up as we were getting ready to leave so we could get up early for a full day of birthday fun!

  Josh blends in just about anywhere.





Peter had a great time getting his silly on after so long of having to be serious all the time!  Here he is posing with his favorite enigma:

An example of a Grenada roundabout...the one leading into our main road.  Two truck tires and a gas cylinder are all it takes!  This one got its fancy paint job just before world cricket came to Grenada.

LIZZY UPDATE!  Peter was delighted when Lizzy introduced him to a new friend!

Peter's view.

Heather's view.

Lizzy                                                          Lizzy's friend, Lizzy.

Click to check out Heather's Happy Birthday weekend!

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May 12 - May 13, 2007
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