Heather and Peter's Wedding


About Us
Wedding Day
Local Info
Getting There
Guest Plans

Truly, the greatest gift to us is your presence at this momentous time in our lives.  We expect no gifts whatsoever.

For those well wishers who find themselves unable to resist, we are kindly requesting that guests not indulge in presenting material goods as gifts.  As we will be moving out of the country for a couple of years, we will be limited to carrying only the most essential goods with us.  Since, in addition to this limit, we will be on an extremely tight budget, any monetary gifts will be kindly appreciated and carefully spent.  The most cherished gift we could hope to receive is to share our celebration with the people we love.

Are we going on a Honeymoon?  Well, that depends!  Peter has been accepted to medical school in Grenada for January 2007, but he has been waitlisted for the August 2006 entering class.  Since we may only have a few days notice regarding Peter’s acceptance to the August 2006 incoming class, we plan to travel to Grenada in early August.  We will either have a short “honeymoon” during which we will secure housing for January 2007, returning to Colorado for the fall … or we will be scrambling for immediate housing and settling in right away.  Only time will tell!