the spice of the Caribbean

The Second Week
Aug. 22 - Aug. 27, 2006

Our second week in Grenada mostly involved Peter starting class and Heather moving into the new apartment.  From the first day of school, Peter has gotten on the first bus in the morning (7:15 am) and he goes to class or studies until about midnight.  Peter also managed to catch a cold.  :(
Heather kept busy unpacking, cleaning, grocery shopping, cooking, going to job interviews, working on the website, and even doing a little painting.  :)

During our first school weekend, we got to spend some time on the beach.  We met up with the OSO, or Orphan Student Organization, just as the kids arrived to the shore.  The OSO brings children from a local orphanage to Grand Anse beach for some carefree play time - see the photo to the right.

Orphanage Student Organization at Grand Anse Beach with the kids.

We then went snorkeling.  We took it easy and explored the immediate area.

The picture on the left is of a sea-robin-like bottom dwelling fish.  It can fan out its large fins in enormous semi-circles, each of which has a beautiful iridescent blue edge when it is displayed.  This fish also has finger-like feelers coming off of its fins near its head.  The fish uses these feelers to disturb prey that might be hiding under rocks or sand on the bottom, which it will then gobble up.  The fish to the right is a wrasse, who is opportunistically waiting for the large fish to scare up some prey for him to steal!

We also got to party!  We went to an 80s party at a restaurant called the Aquarium.  This party was hosted by the Jewish Student Organization.  The student organizations often host parties at local venues, with proceeds going to local charities.  The Aquarium is right on a gorgeous and secluded beach not far from Grand Anse.  Heather saw her first baby sea turtle voyage from the sand to the ocean - she cheered him on as the little fellow propelled himself across the sand and into the water.  Hooray!

Then it was time to get down and boogie!  And then get home for more studying...!






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