the spice of the Caribbean

Spring 2007
                                             SGU celebrated its world-wide community at the 30th Anniversary Celebration on January 17, 2007.
January 15 - January 21, 2007

Our first week back was very busy!  Heather jumped back into work...which now included many orientations, white coat ceremonies, and meeting with students to get their feet on the ground in Grenada.

Monday evening Heather worked at the Medical School white coat ceremony: shepherding students around, showing them what to do with their coats, etc.  The largest chore turned out to be herding the parents armed with cameras and videos back to places where they wouldn't be disturbing other attendees or the students themselves.  After the ceremony, when Peter arrived to share in the spread of food, we just took off and instead ate across the street at the Coyaba.  Whew!  It was great to both get away from all the activity...and to share some quality time with Peter!

Tuesday night, Heather worked at the Veterinary Medicine white coat ceremony.  The main job, again, was to prepare students with their coats and organize them and give them idea of what to expect.  The Vet ceremony is a much smaller and cozier event held on campus.

Heather and Aris.

The wonderful steel drum, or "pan" band.

Link to Part 2

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