January 15 - January 21, 2007 - Part 2
January 17, 2007 was St. George's University's
30th Anniversary Celebration!
For SGU's big 30th Anniversary, the administration declared a University holiday.  There was no school and business was shut down on campus, so that all could participate in the parade, salutations, and the ensuing musical celebration.  In amazing Grenadafabulous style, the parade turned out to be a single-file display of students representing over one hundred countries from around the world.  It was colorful and fun...with participants dancing, smiling, waving, and displaying their own national pride as they passed by!

The University invested in a beautiful sign fit for the pride felt by all.

The Parade is coming!!  Is it coming yet?  Wait, was that it?  Oh...HERE it comes!


Trinidad and Tobago!


All of the important personalities had their moment in the sun: Dr. Pensick, Charles Modica, Dr. Rao, and Dr. Chellapilla.

Joshua: always full of camera joy.

Althea - handing out gifts to faculty and staff.

After spending a few hot hours in the sun and then admiring the chancellor's buggy, we skipped out on most of the music scene and headed to the beach for a swim, some whiffle ball, and then some more swimming!

Link to Part 3