the spice of the Caribbean

Spring 2007
                                                                                                                 La Luna.
January 22 - January 28, 2007

The SOSs started out with a social afternoon at La Luna.  We spent some of the time enacting witness examination of Noga so she could practice her testimony in a familiar environment in the event that she had to appear as a witness in her burglary case. 

This term, we have expanded to six: hello Anna and Jonathan!

Peter is back at the often seems he never left them!

Check out Peter's view from his seat in the library:

On Thursday, I went with Noga back to court for the second hearing in the case regarding her burglary.  The case was set over so that the parties could negotiate a "settlement," i.e. plea agreement.  Once again, it was nearly impossible to hear anything that went on.  We did find out that Grenada has only one prison, which seems to double as a jail, and there is said to be no separation between minors and adults.  There are no facilities or resources specially aimed at juvenile offenders.  The young man accused of perpetrating Noga's case is associated with another burglary the same night involving two other young men.  The young man in her case is seventeen years old; the others are eighteen and nineteen.

On Saturday, we went to the SO organization's opening dinner, which is such a treat.  It was great to see old friends, and to meet some new ones!

Aieeee, matie!  Thar's a pirate amongst us this term!

Back to Grenada Spring 2007
January 29 - February 4, 2007
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